Tailoring Your Manuscript
Recorded On: 07/21/2022
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The value of publishing in gerontology extends beyond the investigator to other researchers, scholars, practitioners, and ultimately improvements in life for older adults and society alike. With this in mind, GSA is offering a webinar series with practical advice on manuscript writing and reviewing. Graduate students and emerging professionals as well as experienced scholars who want to hone their writing and reviewing skills and become more involved in the publishing process will benefit from the hands-on practice, discussion of the “human side” of publishing, pointers from authors of manuscripts accepted by journals, and the insiders’ view with a panel of editors on what constitutes a good paper.
Presented by:
- Deborah Carr, PhD, FGSA, Boston University
- Allyson S. Graf, PhD, Northern Kentucky University
- Brandy Wallace, PhD, FGSA, University of Maryland, Baltimore County