Medical Use of Cannabidiol
Older adults are exploring cannabidiol (CBD) products to address a variety of symptoms and conditions. Despite the perception that CBD products are low risk, there are evidentiary gaps in research and questions about their safety. |
Medical Use of Cannabidiol in Older Adults
Many cannabidiol (CBD) products are available for sale in the U.S., yet few of them are supported by evidence on safety or optimal uses. Use of CBD products is growing among older adults. Chronic conditions may lead them to seek alternative approaches to manage pain, insomnia, anxiety, and some symptoms of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. In fall 2020, GSA convened stakeholders representing seven patient advocacy groups and 10 professional societies to discuss federal and state law governing cannabis-derived products to the safety of the medical use of these products by adults aged 55 years or older. This publication summarizes presentations and recommendations by the stakeholders.
GSA Policy Profile Podcasts: The State of Medical Use of Cannabidiol in Older Adults in 2023
The use of cannabis among older adults is increasing in the United States. While cannabis use has been suggested to help alleviate chronic symptoms experienced by older adults, its potential adverse effects may lead to unintended consequences, including increased acute healthcare utilization related to its use. This GSA Policy Profile delves into what has happened in the environment since 2021 when GSA published Medical Use of Cannabidiol in Older Adults, which was based on a convening of experts in pharmacy, clinical medicine, research, law, and policy.
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